Teacher Resources
Please browse the lesson plans prepared by NEH Steinbeck scholars in the 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2016 Institutes


The Red Pony Ranch by
Nancy Burnett |
The Long Valley
- Trapped, & The American Dream, 2013
- Shake, Rattle and Roll: Setting, Space, and Movement in Hemingway and Steinbeck, 2013
- Discussing “Flight” by John Steinbeck using the Shared Inquiry Discussion method in a middle or high school classroom, PPT, 2013
- Comparison/Contrast of Part II of The Red Pony by John Steinbeck and the poem “Hurt Hawks” by Robinson Jeffers, Red Pony Chart, Rubric, 2011
- Looking West: Steinbeck's Red Pony Stories
- Multiple Perspectives on “The Harness”
- Power, Acceptance, and Motivation in “The Snake” and “The Vigilante”
- Sacred Places
- Literary Tour Guide Project

The Salinas River by
Nancy Burnett |
Of Mice and Men
The Grapes of Wrath
- The Myth of Edenic California, 2016
- Teaching “The Harvest Gypsies” by John Steinbeck, 2016
- “What’s Invasive”: STEM and The Grapes of Wrath, 2016
- The History and Science of American Land Stewardship- The voices of Wendell Berry, John Steinbeck, and Robinson Jeffers, 2016
Introductory Assignment
Introductory answers
- Dustbowl Step-by -Step, 2016
Dustbowl PP.pptx
Dustbowl lab.docx
Summarization Rubric Nonfiction.docx
Stop, Think React Annotation.docx
Should I stay paragraph.docx
Research Guide.docx
- Harvest Gypsies, 2016
- The Grapes of Wrath - Empowered Student Readers and Discussion Leaders, 2016
- The Grapes of Wrath - Expert Discussion Leader Project, 2016
- The Grapes of Wrath - Bookmark, 2016
- The Grapes of Wrath: Celebrating 75 years of a great American novel, National Geographic
- 75 years after ‘The Grapes of Wrath,’ we need Ma Joad in the White House, Washington Post
- Creating Unique Projects as a Response to Literature, 2013
- Investigating musicality and tone in The Grapes of Wrath, 2013
- The Grapes of Wrath: Staged Adaptations, Dramatic Monologues, and
Synthesis Argument Essay, 2013
- The Grapes of Wrath as an American Story: Using The Grapes of Wrath as a Lens for Looking
at American History and Issues in America Today, 2013
- Advocacy Writing through Multiple Genres: The Evolution of The Grapes of Wrath, 2013
- Using Intercalary Chapters as Moral Tales, Slides 1, Slides 2, Lyrics, 2013
- The Poetry of Place, 2013
- Song of Manself--Celebrating the American Experience, 2013
- Pre-Reading Activity for The Grapes of Wrath, 2011
- Understanding and Inspiring Social Change using The Grapes of Wrath, 2011
- The Art of the Character, Unit Summary, Lessons: 1, 2, 2b, 3, 4, 2011
- Pre-Reading Activity for The Grapes of Wrath, 2011
- Steinbeck and the Environment, PPT, 2011
- Steinbeck Research Paper – English III, 2011
- An Anthropological View of Liminal Figures in Grapes of Wrath, PDF, 2011
- The Grapes of Wrath: Text Messaging & Final Project Possibilities, 2011
- Character Development in The Grapes of Wrath (during reading)
- Literature as Social Change (during and post-reading)
- AP Assignments (post-reading)
- Creating Visual Metaphors of Place (post-reading)
- Photo Gallery Project (post-reading)
- Grapes as a Multigenre, Multivocal Text
- The Journalism Cycle: Personalizing "The Harvest Gypsies" (extension)
- Dust Bowl Migration: An Arts-Integrated Lesson
- Teaching Nonteleology: The Grapes of Wrath and The Sea of Cortez, PDF, 2011
Log from the Sea of Cortez
Cannery Row
- An Extended Unit Containing Multiple Readings and Writings for Cannery Row, 2016
- Tide Pools From and Beyond John Steinbeck's Cannery Row, 2016
- Cannery Row by John Steinbeck Teaching Strategy, 2016
- Cannery Row Notebook, 2013
- Teaching the Narrative Essay using Chapter 15 of Cannery Row, 2013
- From the (rock) stars to the (musical) tidepool of your backyard..., 2013
- Retracing the Sea of Cortez with local Tide Pooling, 2013
- Exploring Warps, 2013
- Analyzing Communities With Cannery Row, 2013
- Bringing Cannery Row to Your Hometown, 2011
- Deep Sea Metaphor Project (post-reading)
- Experiencing Place Through Photographs: Ricketts’ Cannery Row
- Doc's Life: Ed Ricketts and You
- Cannery Row Classification
- Steinbeck: Cannery Row: Art/Science Connected, PDF, 2011
East of Eden
The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights
The Red Pony
Cross-Text Lessons
- Migrant Workers and Shifts in Power, 2016
- Using Steinbeck as a model for social commentary, 2016
- A Work in Progress, 2016
- Steinbeck Group Therapy, 2013
- “Divinely Superfluous Beauty:” Multi-Genre Thematic Comparisons in the short fiction & non-fiction of John Steinbeck, poetry of Robinson Jeffers, and photographs of Edward Weston, 2013
- The Changing Role of Women in Early 20th Century America, 2011
- Three Voices Of The Vietnam Period: John Steinbeck, Senator William Fulbright, and Martin Luther King
- Reading Texts as Tide Pools
- Parallel Texts: “E Pluribus Unum” and Elements of Literature
- Tracing the Wasteland (Acts of King Arthur & The Grapes of Wrath)
Writing About Place
Creative Writing
The Pearl
© 2012 The Steinbeck Institute | Adapted from the original site design by Ryan Garcia |